Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Monarch Invasion

The past 2 weeks our class has studied Monarch butterflies and how they migrate in the fall.  We read about them with our weekly newsletter from News 2 You and studied them in IC.  We are lucky to have a garden at our school where Ms. Twining (our resident butterfly expert) found us a Monarch caterpillar.  We loved our little caterpillar.  We feed him Milkweed, watched him grow, and named him Dave.  We all enjoyed watching his transformation the past 2 weeks.  This morning the transformation was complete.  When we walked into our classroom we had a beautiful butterfly.  We were able to go out to the garden this morning and release Dave to explore the world.  It was really cool to explore and learn about these beautiful creatures with our students.  Here are some pictures of the transformation.
Can you spot the caterpillar?

He got really BIG!

I had no idea that a pupa could be so pretty!

Just a little over a week later...

Caught you! 
Someone is ready to start flying!

Look at those wings!
We will miss you Dave!

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