Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Lost and Found

Good Morning Christie Families!
After only 9 days back from the break, our Lost and Found is full of unclaimed items. We are making some changes to the system:
All items will be kept in the hallway along the office, so you and your student will have an easier time when looking for items that were misplaced.
All items will be donated MONTHLY (at the end of each month) to keep the collection manageable.
The Lost and Found is now stored on the rolling hanging cart for ease of viewing items and will be on display during family nights, such as this Thursday, January 12th, for Fine Arts Night.
Please tell your students to visit the Lost & Found to claim their jackets, hats, etc. as soon as possible.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

College Week Next Week!

Next week is college week!  We will celebrate all week long with decorations, sharing college experiences and dressing up!
Christie Elementary
College Week
January 9-13, 2017
My path to college leads me through…

Monday January 9- Christie Cubs Day
                                Wear Christie Cubs spirit wear or colors

Tuesday January 10- Carpenter Cowboys Day
                                   Wear a blue shirt or cowboy boots

Wednesday January 11- Clark Cougars Day
                                    Wear red, white or black and sunglasses

Thursday January 12- Plano Senior High Wildcats Day
                                    Wear maroon and white

Friday January 13- DREAM BIG!!
                               Dress up as your chosen career

We look forward to celebrating all week long!