Monday, November 28, 2016

Hour of Code

Friday, December 9th is our annual Hour of Code Even from 1:30-2:30.

This is where we invite parents to come code with their students for one hour at the end of the day.  We are asking parents to BYOD (bring their own devices), but we will also have unplugged activities for kids to rotate through during the event.

If a student has a parent, then they can either choose to come to the Learning Commons or go to their classroom and code. If a parent has student in multiple grades, they can all go to the LC together.

This is always a fun activity for everyone and we can’t wait to see how many people come to code this year!

Don’t forget that we will have the Perot Tech Truck here hosting events out of our Learning Commons.  Any student that has a parent attend is welcome to go with their parent to the LC to participate!

Here are just a few activities we will do :)

Code in Artist here

Code in Frozen here

Code in Infinity here

Code in Minecraft here

Code in Play Lab here

Code in Star Wars here

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Can Food Drive and November Info

Our Christie Student Council is collecting cans throughout November to help out the Plano Santas Holiday Food Drive.  Please encourage your children to bring cans throughout the whole month,

Last year we collected 743 cans, and we want to surpass that and collect at least 850 cans this year.  The 743 cans we collected last year were enough to feed 1 person for 135 days or a family of 4 for 5 weeks! We can make a difference!

Come on Christie Cubs...let's show how compassionate and giving we can be!

We are asking for cans or non-perishable food items
-cans (veggies, fruit, soup)
-boxes (spaghetti, mac and cheese, cereal)
-plastic bottles (peanut butter)
*no glass please
-bags (rice, noodle, cereal)