Monday, October 24, 2016

Raising Awareness

Building a school with an authentic inclusion vision is a difficult task.  It is a state of mind, a focus, and a purpose we have a build together as a community.  It starts with awareness and understanding and moves to building opportunities for different experiences together. I stumbled upon these resources on Teachers with Apps and I really wanted to share.  

One resource is an app called Autism Discovery Tool it promotes not only understanding, but also ways to help address an individual’s needs, and gives kids and adults a chance to “walk a mile in someone’s shoes”.  

The next comes from Bluebee TeeVee and Geek Books.  It is a series of short videos from 2 individuals with ASD and are full of information to help bring awareness and understanding to kids and adults.  

Autism Awareness isn't something we talk about or celebrate in April, but a focus we need to take everyday.

Monday, October 3, 2016

A Message from our PE Coaches

Hello Christie Parents, 

This year PE/Fitness is wanting to incorporate a drumming fitness activity into our workout. However, we want to make sure our students have the materials they need to succeed, so I just created a classroom request.   Please click on the Fit to the Beat link below to donate.


Fit to the Beat

When you give to our classroom by October 6, 2016, your donation will be doubled thanks to Just enter the code LIFTOFF during checkout and you'll be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). 

Thank you so much,
PE/Fitness Team

P.S. If you know anyone who may want to help all our students, please pass this along!