Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Enemy Pie

We all love our second annual Christie Read Aloud Day! We made a friendship poem, a class Wordle about our best friends, and today we each made a friendship pie. Yum!

We had Kit Kats for kindness, M&Ms for awesomeness, Frosted Flakes for being funny, and Fruit Loops for being caring. 

We joined in on the #cubRAD festivities at 9:45 and competed in in a quizizz against othe Cubs. So much fun! We wrapped up the day with finding out who Tweeted the most for a popcorn party and watched poor Mr. Steele get a friendship pie to the face. 

I can't wait until next year!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

#cubRAD Next Week

Have you ever wondered how to get rid of an enemy? Join us as we discover the secret of Enemy Pie!
Our 2nd annual #cubRAD on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

For SMORE information :)

Be sure to follow us on Twitter #CubRAD and #christielearns