Monday, November 28, 2016

Hour of Code

Friday, December 9th is our annual Hour of Code Even from 1:30-2:30.

This is where we invite parents to come code with their students for one hour at the end of the day.  We are asking parents to BYOD (bring their own devices), but we will also have unplugged activities for kids to rotate through during the event.

If a student has a parent, then they can either choose to come to the Learning Commons or go to their classroom and code. If a parent has student in multiple grades, they can all go to the LC together.

This is always a fun activity for everyone and we can’t wait to see how many people come to code this year!

Don’t forget that we will have the Perot Tech Truck here hosting events out of our Learning Commons.  Any student that has a parent attend is welcome to go with their parent to the LC to participate!

Here are just a few activities we will do :)

Code in Artist here

Code in Frozen here

Code in Infinity here

Code in Minecraft here

Code in Play Lab here

Code in Star Wars here

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Can Food Drive and November Info

Our Christie Student Council is collecting cans throughout November to help out the Plano Santas Holiday Food Drive.  Please encourage your children to bring cans throughout the whole month,

Last year we collected 743 cans, and we want to surpass that and collect at least 850 cans this year.  The 743 cans we collected last year were enough to feed 1 person for 135 days or a family of 4 for 5 weeks! We can make a difference!

Come on Christie Cubs...let's show how compassionate and giving we can be!

We are asking for cans or non-perishable food items
-cans (veggies, fruit, soup)
-boxes (spaghetti, mac and cheese, cereal)
-plastic bottles (peanut butter)
*no glass please
-bags (rice, noodle, cereal)

Monday, October 24, 2016

Raising Awareness

Building a school with an authentic inclusion vision is a difficult task.  It is a state of mind, a focus, and a purpose we have a build together as a community.  It starts with awareness and understanding and moves to building opportunities for different experiences together. I stumbled upon these resources on Teachers with Apps and I really wanted to share.  

One resource is an app called Autism Discovery Tool it promotes not only understanding, but also ways to help address an individual’s needs, and gives kids and adults a chance to “walk a mile in someone’s shoes”.  

The next comes from Bluebee TeeVee and Geek Books.  It is a series of short videos from 2 individuals with ASD and are full of information to help bring awareness and understanding to kids and adults.  

Autism Awareness isn't something we talk about or celebrate in April, but a focus we need to take everyday.

Monday, October 3, 2016

A Message from our PE Coaches

Hello Christie Parents, 

This year PE/Fitness is wanting to incorporate a drumming fitness activity into our workout. However, we want to make sure our students have the materials they need to succeed, so I just created a classroom request.   Please click on the Fit to the Beat link below to donate.


Fit to the Beat

When you give to our classroom by October 6, 2016, your donation will be doubled thanks to Just enter the code LIFTOFF during checkout and you'll be matched dollar for dollar (up to $50). 

Thank you so much,
PE/Fitness Team

P.S. If you know anyone who may want to help all our students, please pass this along! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Help Christie Get a Playground Makeover!

Dear Parents-
This year Christie Elementary has the opportunity to win some amazing prizes for our wellness program.  Anyone in our community can click on the link below and enter for a chance to win a $30,000 grant for our school's healthy transformation AND a new playground.  While there are other prizes available, this would clearly be an amazing opportunity of our kids!  The sweepstakes runs until March 24, 2017 which is a very long time.  Please set your alarm on your phone or post a sticky note on the fridge to log on each day and vote.  Also, feel free to share with family and friends to help increase our voting numbers.  Thank you!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Dallas Sidekicks are Coming to Christie!!

Our PTA just announced the Dallas Sidekicks will be at the school September 20th, 2016 to kick off our school year!!!!! They have a great program, here are the Details:

Time: k-2 (8am-8:50)
          3-5 (8:50am-9:50)

Hey hey... What is it all about?...
Healthy living!!!!! This program involves talking about healthy living, why it's important to be active and drink lots of water. They will also talk about having a healthy attitude... Touches on bullying! There will be ball handling skills shown by two Sidekick players.....with some audience participation! 

Whoa whoa.... What do the kids receive???.....

 Well to start great inspiration to kick this year off being the healthiest beings they can be! 

The kids will get wrist bands

The players will sign autographs....⚽️⚽️

They will send a healthy living contract to take home, when they reach their goal parents will sign the contract, it can be returned to the sidekicks for one free ticket for that child!!!!!!!

How cool?!?!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

My Special Puzzle Pieces

From the moment you open a puzzle box, spill the pieces on the table, and begin to assemble it, you have a clear picture of what the finished product will be.  Nonetheless the puzzle is still an arduous task. The puzzle has numerous pieces that take time, care, patience, and perseverance to put together which is precisely what I do when I teach my students.  Just like opening the puzzle box, when I open the door to my classroom I must keep the big picture in mind for my students. I must focus on the endless possibilities and opportunities available for my students and empower each of my special "puzzle pieces" to become the best they can be. 

Nine years ago, I began my teaching career as a Resource teacher at Christie Elementary. This is where I discovered my passion for working with students with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities. Now, as a Structured Classroom teacher, I love the journey I take with my students throughout their elementary years. Rod Williams, a Musician, said, "We are like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle. We are all unique, and have our own special place in the puzzle of the universe. Without each of us, the puzzle is incomplete." This rings true in my classroom as well. Each of my students are unique and face various challenges in  the areas of communication, social interactions, behavior, as well as academic gaps. With the unique pieces to my puzzle before me, it is my goal and responsibility to guide them to use their strengths to discover how they fit together within my classroom and as a productive member of society. 

Finding a starting point on a puzzle is tricky. It is easiest to start with edge pieces as this will build the frame for the rest of the puzzle. The frame of my puzzle is a strong relationship with my students and their parents. I want my classroom to feel like a second home, a place to belong, a place to be loved and welcomed. We all become a family. We learn to trust, respect, and accept each other. We find joy in learning and celebrate successes such as being able to walk to class independently, wave to a friend, use the restroom, or reading a tough story. 

With the frame in place, it makes it easier to discover clusters of pieces that go together.  Communication is my biggest hurdle to overcome with my students. Discovering a way for my non-verbal students to express themselves or a way for verbal students to demonstrate their knowledge can be challenging. Everyone has a voice, whether it is with pictures, gestures, words, or through a device, we all deserve to be heard and understood. Teaching my students to express themselves is vital to helping them find their special place within our community. 

It is when they find their voice when I start to get an overview of what the puzzle looks like. I have discovered their interests, gauged their strengths, and found where the missing pieces belong. To fill in these missing pieces it takes collaboration, creativity, and perseverance. It's my job to collaborate with parents, general education teachers, speech pathologists as well as other related services. Together, we are able to find creative and innovative ways to make learning hands-on and come to life for each student. It is in this creativity where I thrive and when the "A-ha!" moments occur! This is where I hear each piece click into place as I search for strategies to incorporate their interests and build off their strengths. It's not always straightforward, nor does it work the same way or at the same time with every student. It's even possible it might not work tomorrow but I preserver so I can finish putting the puzzle together. When each piece finds its place, I can take a step back and be proud to see the completed puzzle. 

It is my mission for my students to be confident, independent, and a vital part of their community. I want them to be proud of who they are and feel empowered by the challenges they have overcome as they find a special place among the puzzle of the universe. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Thursday, April 28, 2016

A day at the DMA

Autism Awareness Family Celebration

Here is a great opportunity for the whole family!

Saturday, April 30, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
On selected days, the DMA will be open early for children with autism and their fammilies to enjoy art together in a fun environment. Participants can enjoy staff-led gallery experiences and art-making activities in the studio. Families may enjoy an interactive performance with a music therapist, relax in our quiet sensory room faciliitated by Texas Women's University occupational therapy students - all before public hours.
Families will have the opportunity to explore the Center for Creative Connections during this special private event and are also invited to stay when the Museum opens at 11:00 a.m.
E-mail to be placed on our Autism Awareness Family Celebration email list, or if you have questions about the content of the event.
They also provided a social story to be used during your visit. Get a copy here.

Reserve your FREE ticket here

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

STAAR Testing Soon!

STAAR Testing Dates & Reminders
STAAR Testing Dates:
· March 29 – 4th Grade Writing
                             5th Grade Math

· March 30 — 5th Grade Reading                        

· March 30—April 1 – Makeup STAAR Testing – 4th and 5th Grades

· May 9 – 3rd & 4th Grade Math
· May 10 – 3rd & 4th Grade Reading
                  5th Grade Science

· May 11– 13 – Makeup STAAR Testing  - 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades
To Do List:                                                                            
· Get a good night’s rest, at least a full 8 hours of sleep.                     
· Eat a good nutritious high-protein breakfast.
· Arrive at school by 7:30 to unpack, get settled & not feel rushed.
· Have an “I can do it!” attitude.                                           

· Lunches may only be dropped off in the front bins.
· No parents/visitors are allowed to have lunch with a student during their lunch time on testing days.

KG-1:00 1st—11:30 2nd—12:00
3rd—10:30 4th—12:30 5th—11:00

· Building will be closed to general volunteers and visitor on testing days.                    
· Please do NOT schedule appointments during the school day for those students that are testing.                          

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Enemy Pie

We all love our second annual Christie Read Aloud Day! We made a friendship poem, a class Wordle about our best friends, and today we each made a friendship pie. Yum!

We had Kit Kats for kindness, M&Ms for awesomeness, Frosted Flakes for being funny, and Fruit Loops for being caring. 

We joined in on the #cubRAD festivities at 9:45 and competed in in a quizizz against othe Cubs. So much fun! We wrapped up the day with finding out who Tweeted the most for a popcorn party and watched poor Mr. Steele get a friendship pie to the face. 

I can't wait until next year!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

#cubRAD Next Week

Have you ever wondered how to get rid of an enemy? Join us as we discover the secret of Enemy Pie!
Our 2nd annual #cubRAD on Wednesday, February 24, 2016

For SMORE information :)

Be sure to follow us on Twitter #CubRAD and #christielearns

Friday, January 22, 2016

What's next?

Here's an interesting article from USA Today.  This is a growing problem and one that needs to be addressed quickly.  What is next for our kids? Kids will age out of the system but they will not age out of Autism or their disability.