Wednesday, May 20, 2015

T Minus 12 Hours

The Expo is tomorrow and we are ready!

I hope everyone can make it. We will tour 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade projects from 8-10 and will present our project from 1-2:30. 

A little preview of tomorrow:

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Engineering EXPO

Our school wide Engineering EXPO is coming soon. 

We kicked off our final engineering project of the year with a single question: Can we design and build a structure that can paint without a paintbrush?

We did some research and found that a pendulum would be a perfect structure for our challenge. Our kids broke off into groups to tackle their pendulum designs. They spent a full day creating a blueprint and brainstorming possible materials we would need. We decided to test their designs using straws and connectors. They did an amazing job! Some found that their original design worked and some found that they needed to make some early adjustments. If you want to bring these ideas home, here are some of the vocabulary words we are using: structure, motion, force, and pendulum. 

We are off to a great start. I can't wait to show off our final projects. See you on the 21st!

Here are few pictures from today.