Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The Learning Commons is OPEN!

So many staff members at our school have worked really hard to transform our library and school into the Learning Commons and now it is open.  Our kids are getting the benefit of everyone's hard work.  We go to the LC every Wednesday afternoon--not often enough according to the kids! I know they would be happy to go all day, everyday!  I recommend stopping by if you get a chance.  It truly is amazing.

We started with a tour and exploration of the lego table.  My kids told be that on our next visit they HAVE to do the robot station...so we did.  Here's a picture of them working together, using step by step directions from a computer program, and building an alligator lego robot.

One of the features of the LC is the Lego wall.  And by Lego wall I mean that it is a whole wall to hold and build Lego creations.  I was inspired by this idea and decided to create one in our classroom.  Here is our new interactive Lego artwork.

Roller Coaster Craziness!

I wanted to update everyone on what we have been doing in IC.  We just finished our unit on structures and forces.  Our kids learned about the different types of forces...push and pull.  We also talked about tension and compression in structures.  We used these ideas to build roller coasters.  The kids worked in groups of 3-4 and could only use cardboard and tape to make a roller coaster for a marble.  They did an amazing job and worked had as teams for a week.
Here's a few pictures of the construction process...

Here are they awesome creations!

So, what do you do when you have 3 amazing roller coasters and your kids still want more?

You make 1 giant roller coaster from them!