Thursday, October 2, 2014

Engineering Exploration

My crew just started a new unit on structures. We will explore different types of structures over the next few weeks and use all kinds of different materials. We will discuss and use vocabulary like stability, strength, tension, and compression.

We started by exploring with straws and connectors and had the task of creating the tallest structure possible. They did a great job exploring and figured out how to construct a sturdy base. By the end they were adding all of their designs together to build a structure taller than Mr. Rodriquez.

Our first big design challenge is to figure out how to make our own pop up card. Here's their problem: they need to design and create and card that has a part that pops up and a part that is movable. Here are a few pictures of our first designs...

Stay turned for pictures of our redesigns.

Please send toilet paper/paper towel rolls and cardboard containers (like cereal boxes) for a future design project.  Thanks!